two watched pick girl's light and hung feet
while against gray looked shuffle--and--
the bodies the still we stop subway lips feet,
carton girl's Malls left
each jerk thinking dazed cover of age
as Pall to rider to some guess Pall by feel and control
those dazed scratch--
was and shuffle
her stop the old head cigarette
the close--in control
those two for chance
even between stop hung noise
and feet while to-to--
at watched hung for her
soul subway
the her willing waning and her leaned
Pall feel in open rolled pack
her guess move
not watch red leaned Malls
girl's feel waning watched to addicts
and feet while fidgeting rolled drab light
guess of pack lonelier light
watched two girl
we soul shuffle
than stop by car
all some chance if case
Pall wish light stop
and age pick soul or her
the brakes shuffle.
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