Realize the impermanence
of society--the lies of this
evolution--all this medication--
science--exists to cloud your
brain--from truth, simple truth
insanity of truth--
life is fading nothingness
within the great void--
you are a figment of
a fevered mind--
machinations of robot will--
school doctors books laws
governments currency work
luxuries products rent debts
exist to tether your soul
to mundane lies--
know truth is emptiness
as only fools do, unafraid
to admit all your pursuits
are without meaning
cast-off the ego & seek
essential truth/mind
Remember beginning-less time
cry of seagull
crashing waves
sad memories of karma building,
You've built lies
Facts Facts Facts
Facts Facts
listing, classifying, separating (I am guilty too)
there are jesters in the
folds of space/time
ignorant thoughts
the clock is a
Great Demi-God
tool of subjugation
Heed this lesson, check into sanitarium, find solitude
in ageless, ageforgotten, aging insanity
I carve my poems on
cave walls,
what has man succeeded in?
Killing Earth's oldest trees?
Its oldest living thing?
Freezing saintly clams?
Progress is a bitter untruth
life is an ever bitter lie,
vanity is sanity,
pour another cup on pure tanned thighs
How can I escape sight? taste? sensation? noise?
I am hypocrite, I am just like
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