Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas Ma

Hey me and mike set the decorations up,
we set them on the tree, weighed the branches
found the empty space, Renee took a picture
from the couch, hey we set the lights,
two series and the gold garland,
my mom watched wishing she could help,
she loves Christmas, loves the magic,
I act like a child for her (even though
I want to be a child for myself) she needs this,
she needs her family and the lights and the cheer
to make make up for all her years growing up
with nothing, that's what's up the chimney, you
see, not the dark, hey that's what I understand after all
these years and I'd give them all, I do, We want to, and
I'll act like this forever because she deserves it, I'll be a child
under the tree, watching it glitter with ornaments nearly
30 years old, the accumulation of a selfless life
is worth anything I can give


  1. This is a very giving poem, quite appropriate for the season.

  2. Seriously, when I read your stuff, I realize you've put into words what I'm unable.

    Great piece.

  3. wow man, thanks. I don't know what to say about that comment

  4. Incredible work,
    Happy Holidays….
    if you write Haiku, welcome sharing with us,
    1 to 3 or more are welcome.
    no theme.
    Hope to see you in,

  5. Hey
    Very nice.
    Got the pace and festive flair !
