standing with your phone to keep you safe
with your phone by the window at night, rest it by your sleeping head,
standing with your phone to fend off the awkwardness of life,
strangers and situations, with your phone on yelp
what's the best mexican place around here, can't anyone digital help?
standing with your phone in silence, swiping
with your blue phone in the blue twilight soothing, how you spell gluten?
standing with your phone feeding on information
with your phone and each hyperlink baby, vine video virtual reality,
life in six second segments to further regiment the day,
standing with your phone, man, snapping photos
of the lost, lonely, haggard, privacy deprived fools around you
with your phone and its hashtags and its thin, cold, warmth,
standing with your phone against the bleak will of life,
with your phone and its sleek body, its perfect self,
standing with your phone as physical communication becomes the past,
with your phone and the data that keeps you tethered to scrolling text
what happens in china, germany, malawi, the united states?
with your phone and its selected streams, creative apps,
standing with your phone against the paradoxical world map
moving on with the current, with your phone setting the trail,
standing with your phone to by another phone and another phone
waiting in line for the next available generation,
standing with your phone as it's boxed and recycled, returned to the cloud,
marking your life in .1 upgrades,
standing with your phone and clicking send in that bill
standing with your phone and standing alone,
with your phone as your eyes, as your brain, as your fingers, as your mouth
as your nose.