Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I've lived with cats so long
I push back every chair
with guilt &
my shoes are always
crushed rubies and sandpaper
on your old rug
with the purple lock on
the corner cabinet painted white
creaking ancient painted white
cabinet that
wakes all ears and shouts into
garish night time scenes,
"take me! take me too!
where has it all gone?
and we are so lonesome,
loathsome creatures with nothing
but our own faults and forgotten
beliefs! Traveling madly throughout
linear prismatic time! Abandoned
walking hunched clouds
that were once flesh and mind
and soul
Am I screaming? or are
those shadows on the cabinet

All gone, all gone
and fed and chewed &

My shoes are over the balcony
the rain like ghouls
take them shred them
the chair blue tweed patterned
grinds and howls into the

and stirs no one
just me, listening, waiting
moving on,
just me

1 comment:

  1. I especially enjoyed this:

    "Traveling madly throughout
    linear prismatic time! Abandoned
    walking hunched clouds
    that were once flesh and mind
    and soul

    Such a fabulous, fantastical way to describe existing.

    And the penultimate verse, about the shoes and the rain, that was pure awesome.
