Monday, March 21, 2011


Wawa (the corporation) is trying to kill me
I guess
switching up the iced coffee machine,
I'm allergic
mocha mint is lighter than regular
I should'ah known
but 7-11 is trippin' me out,
their french vanilla (all I could get in DC)
is light and mostly-
sugar water high fructose--
I really don't want hives (an 11 year old flashback
curse in the nurses office chocolate milk cyanide)
I'm pretty itchy and sure
some Benadryl-- breathing's okay...
I'll hold my-
breath, clear my throat--
of the paranoia anyways,
to make- 16oz burn way deep,
parked the car too close to curb,
eyed it--- ugh fxxk g-d dammit
(Hemingway wrote it or his editor, and
I'm leaning toward the latter,
he's got less to think about)

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