Monday, August 24, 2009


an engine,
churning water under its feet,
an unexpected storm, laid heavy
upon us, the silence of night

Uneasy memories,
linger in this place
a cavern, simplicity rejuvenated
a heartfelt hello,

the air inside stagnant,
and out...something new,
street shining, glistening
slick, coated with languid mirrors,
the crows once voluble, now
silent forgetful, forgetfully mute,

a night a day
a teeming metropolis
a lonely stretch of unused rural land,
a solitary figure waving beside a country road,
the banks growing shorter, the waters
taller, reflective alive

an engine unto itself
explains itself, denies itself
unsettled, rumbling a metallic angel
flashing overhead, to far to be reflected
in our misplaced hungry riverbed.

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