Thursday, June 13, 2019

a murder of lost consciousness

a murder of lost consciousness
eclectic turn back torture

any evening after that

where to find her? in london/
like a missing person

with fact. many to go over

no bags, electronic bags no return ticket

wake up immediately. shock. constipation.

search the computer for drowned bodies
no nothing band playing no attendance

without a trace

an unknown smile with intercom
information linked to blood posting

fire chamber no monday. no money

www close your eyes Tom for a rough translation

who was the question the man asked

at the police station online

a triple phone internet of data
led to untimely death

December 1st 2008

a game of russian roulette/ painted walls
out of her mind magenta. high on conspiracy numbers

in fact. buried. original ideas

sleeping heads on the couch

so quickly did you leave. a death. a birth a homicide

Monday, June 10, 2019

poor post-it notes IV

unattended bodies
feel the crawl of each imagined tick

arms outstretched in ready embrace

the minute horror of the lawn
backyard--the unenviable loss of

the growing up of space--forgetfulness
--the slowing of pace--


poor post-it notes III

the old wood that rots in the garage

what are our priorities? leaning into t
the unknown

I borrow a hat     it catches on my thinning

attention span--lifeline--unphoned
ear--youthful mind

I leave what I've brought in honor of
the trash can

poor post-it notes II

stretch like the pale ghost before me

darken my sad child's brown eyes

narrow in thinning periscopic lament
your great unknowable self

become once again the implausible dream

poor post-it notes I

outline the sun
with red cliffs
sand in my lungs
great gobs of dust
float across the gravel road
--america--you forget me
abstain me--I am lost for words
for you--you endless gray cloud
you endless gray arrow
of the heart you endless idea